CAT-UK TESOL Certificate

CAT-UK TESOL Certificate consists of 3 parts:1) TESOL Training; 2) Teaching Demo; 3) TESOL Interview.

Part 1: CAT-TESOL Training Course (30%)

CAT-TESOL requires coursework that concentrates on three dimensions: 1) English communicative skills which is usually achieved through public speaking or immersion; 2) TESOL theory which focuses on the internationally popular practices in pedagogy, and 3) TESOL practice which guides teachers to turn teaching theories into teaching practices.  Courses must be a minimum of 120 hours in length.

-candidates will complete the training through a course of self-study using an online VOD course
-various textbooks will be used for the course, including “Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom” by Tricia Hedge
-7 assignments to be completed by candidates during training, each around 300 words in length

Part 2: CAT-TESOL Teaching Demonstration (70%)

CAT-TESOL Certification requires the submission of a teaching demonstration based on a lesson plan and self-reviewed through a critical reflection essay.

-candidates will draft a TESOL lesson plan as instructed

-based on the lesson plan, candidates will record a TESOL lesson (30 minutes in length)

Part 3: CAT-TESOL Interview (Optional, a certificate of TESOL interview will be awarded)

CAT-TESOL Interviews will be conducted one-on-one with a professional TESOL examiner.  The interview will be approximately 20-30 minutes in length, with a minimum of three in-depth interview questions, testing candidates’ English competence, their knowledge of TESOL theory, and their ability to apply knowledge to real-life classroom situations.

-candidates will be interviewed one-on-one, in person or online (20-30 minutes)

-three types of questions will be asked by the examiner: a) English competence; b) TESOL theory; c) classroom application

CAT-UK TESOL Certificate Wordlist:

1) read the assigned textbook

2) provide proof of completing the VOD lessons (through a registered center)
3) submit a PDF file containing all 7 assignments
4) create a lesson plan with selected class material attached
5) record a 30-minute teaching demo film using the lesson plan created
6) attend one-on-one interview, in person or online


-A CAT-UK TESOL Certificate is granted to a candidate who meets the requirements and passed the test.

-A Reference Letter is issued to the candidate alongside with the certificate, to support job placement and degree program application.

-A TESOL Interview Certificate is awarded to candidates who participated interview.

The Old TESOL Test (to be abolished before January 2023)

The former TESOL Test consisted of:

-Part 1: TESOL Course (30%) including the writing of 7 mini reports (no less than 200 words each in English).

-Part 2: TESOL Essay (30%) of no less than 1000 words in English

-Part 3: TESOL Demonstration (40%) based on a lesson plan with a 30-minute teaching presentation